Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lots of Capped Brood for Mother's Day!

Today, we went into the hives to inspect the frames and make sure the bees were doing fine. Everything is going according to schedule - Yay! We have lots of capped brood, as you can see in the picture below. Notice the dark holes? Those are cleaned cells from which new bees have emerged already. The queen will find those cells again and lay another egg soon.  Based on what we saw today, we have thousands of new bees on the way any day now. Our bee population is about to experience some serious exponential growth!

When the family gets too big, you need to add on to the house! Since our bees have filled out about 70% of the frame space in the first box, we installed the second box on each hive today. This will give the bees plenty more space to build wax comb for food storage, more brood, and honey production.

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